Peter Mount's Blog
Various ramblings on virtually everything

Monday, December 29, 2008

Finding the process id of the process owning a port

Occasionally there’s time where you need to find out what process owns a port currently open. On the Mac this can be done easily by using the following line - here we are looking for port 8080: ps u --no-heading -p `netstat -nlept | awk '/[:]8080 / {split ($9,t,"/"); print t[1]}'` 2>/dev/null For windows you don’t have a decent shell (and cygwin would probably not work here), so you can use the following batch script to do the same: @echo off for /F “usebackq tokens=5″ %%f in (`netstat -b -n ^| find “:%1″`) do call :process %%f goto :eof :process tasklist /FI “PID eq %1″ /NH If the above code was called findport.bat then running findport 8080 would then find the process owning port 8080.

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